
Asking for a statement is easy when it's the truth. Working with agencies and community businesses who understand our business concept is important. When I approached The Dover Letting Agency they took the time to listen and trust my proposition when using their properties was discussed. We work with very vulnerable people who without the support of agencies like these they would have no chance in life.
I find it useful to work with approachable individuals who don't judge and offer a good fast response assisting our community services.
I always approach The Dover Letting Agency first before anyone else to see if they can help and I always will.
From all the directors at Avondale care I sign off this statement with a huge Thank you for all your support.

Andy Waters
Community Manager &
Reg. Residential Manager
Avondalecare Kent Ltd
Company Director
Just writing to say how pleased we are further to being with Dover Letting Agency for 3 months now.

We have used many letting agencies in three different counties over the last twenty years (2 in Essex, 2 in Surrey and 5 in Kent, including yourselves). We have found Dover Letting Agency to be the best thus far. It is great to be able to phone and know who I will talk to and that I will not have to explain in detail who I am and why I am calling. Even more frustrating is when you call an agent, explain in detail, receive assurances they will deal with the matter only to find a fortnight later that it was someone "filling in" due to holiday or sickness and not only has nothing been done but there is not even a record of the conversation. I have never experienced anything like this with yourselves. This could be on account of you not being allowed to go home in the evenings, (there is a law against this) but more likely it is that the business is actually run correctly in terms of staffing and message treatment.

All my tenants seem happy (well, as happy as tenants ever are) and I must therefore conclude they also find the customer service to be appropriate to their needs.

I have no issues in terms of missing paperwork, late payments or the need to chase and remind over items, This is very pleasant compared to the last agent in Dover where I effectively felt like I was paying for a dog and doing half the barking myself.

Overall, very happy, professional service with a firm but fair hand at the rudder, just what is needed all round.

Kind regards

Liz Nunn and Gina Coda